Section 7: Priesthood which facilitates the Ordinances


A. The concept of priesthood is one that humanity has developed to convey who acts on behalf of them for the goddesses, gods, and deities.

B. Within our tradition, there are two priesthoods: Aaronic, named after the brother of the prophet Moses, and Melchizedek, named after the King of Salem who was the Prince of Peace.


A. Priesthood callings may come through prophecy, lineage, foreordination, faith and good works, and the gifts that they have.

B. Priesthood has been imparted through the ordination or having partaken in an Endowment session.


A. No power or influence can or ought to be maintained simply because one has been ordained.

B. Though one may be ordained to the priesthood, if they try to cover their sins, satisfy their pride or ambition, or use it to control or force others in any unrighteous way, then their authority is lost.

C. We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all people that as soon as they get a little authority they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.


A. In practice, priesthood authority is those that have an effective ministry. This effective ministry is illustrated through three means: moral authority, spiritual authority, and competency or educational authority.

B. Those who have moral authority go beyond just adhering to traditions, social pressures, and theoretical ideas – they show compassion to others, support marginalized communities, seek to make peace with those who have wronged them, and live lives filled with love, forgiveness, and justice. They act as peacemakers, bridges of understanding, and sources of comfort and strength. Through their actions, they aim to uplift, heal, and inspire others. They bring us closer together, showing that true authority is about serving and sacrificing for others. Through their example, we are inspired to be more virtuous and kind.

C. Those who have a spiritual authority help those around them find divinity. These leaders don’t just offer clichĂ©s or superficial gestures, make empty promises, and then ask for donations. Instead, those spiritual leaders seek to achieve harmony, balance, and equality among creation by nurturing communities which encourage self-expression—whether through the mediums of music, fashion, art, dance, the written word, or simply acceptance of the self. In doing this, they help us transcend the boundaries of the finite self so we may see that they are but a piece of grander wholes such as our families, communities, planet, and Universe.

D. Those who have educational or competency authority go beyond mere opinions, rumors, or superficial knowledge. Those with this authority are well-versed in a range of disciplines including ethics, music, history, as well as practical skills such as being an emotional confidant. They are dedicated to lifelong learning and personal growth, ensuring they are well-equipped to serve their communities. Through their expertise and wisdom, they empower and enlighten others. They bring clarity, insight, and guidance, showing that true authority comes from a commitment to knowledge and understanding. Through their example, we are inspired to value education and seek continual self-improvement.

E. There are many who exhibit priesthood power having never participated in the ordinance of ordination. These are they who have a calling from the Elohim, and their priesthood is evident.


A. Within the Aaronic priesthood there are three divisions: Deacon, Teacher, Priest.

B. Deacons are focused upon providing temporal needs, especially for the poor. They are also charged with helping prepare sacred spaces.

C. Teachers are focused upon fostering reconciliation, promoting peace, and facilitating healing with individuals one-on-one.

D. Priests are focused upon promoting love and offering guidance to families and communities in their spiritual journeys.


A. Within the Melchizedek priesthood there are two divisions: Elder and High Priest, with the latter having subsets which serve special purposes.

B. Elders are focused upon building and sustaining healthy communities and leading them through their example.

C. High Priests are focused on mentoring those who wish to be ordained into the Melchizedek priesthood. They have several subsets: Bishop, Matriarch/Patriarch/Evangelist, and Apostle.

D. Seventies have an emphasis on teaching and helping prepare individuals to partake in ordinances.

E. Bishops have an emphasis on promoting economic justice and mentoring Aaronic priesthood

F. Matriarchs/Patriarchs/Evangelists have an emphasis on offering special blessings of guidance and counsel

G. Apostles have an emphasis on going throughout the world without purse or script to lead people unto exaltation.


Should one betray the trust of their community, their priesthood shall be stripped and those who laid their hands upon them shall be notified, ensuring the sanctity of the priesthood.

Section 6: Ordinances for our Exaltation