
Communion is a sacred ordinance meant to remember deities and renew commitments to embody their teachings. It allows participants to reflect on their spiritual journey and pledge themselves to live according to divine principles.

Communion may be taken individually or in a group setting. It typically involves the blessing of bread, wine, incense, or entheogens, which are consumed and shared among participants.

The substance is blessed with everyone on their knees. The following is the updated traditional script for this blessing.


Oh (name of goddess/god/deity), the (their title),
I ask you to bless this Sacrament
and set it apart as sacred to all those who receive it.

May we partake of it as a way of remembering you,
and may this act serve as a testament to you,
that we are willing to embrace, remember, and embody your teachings.

May we always have you with us.


Oh (name of goddess/god/deity), the (their title),
I ask you to bless this Sacrament
and set it apart as sacred as I receive it.

I partake of it as a way of remembering you,
and may this act serve as a testament to you,
that I am willing to embrace, remember, and embody your teachings.

May I always have you with me.