To the Church:
1. David D. Schaal has served as a valued member of the First Presidency since June 2005. I am deeply grateful for his wise counsel, presiding skill, and personal support during the time we have shared in the Presidency.
2. Circumstances in Brother Schaal’s life make it necessary for him to be released as a member of the First Presidency effective May 7, 2012. Freed from the heavy responsibilities and stresses of that office, he can care more effectively for issues that have become matters of deep concern for him. No other action is required since this is an executive decision by the president of the church.
3. The First Presidency remains officially organized and fully functioning. As prophet-president, I have entered into a time of prayer, seeking God’s guidance about who should be called to serve in the First Presidency. The Holy Spirit has begun to provide guidance for which I truly am thankful. Therefore, I anticipate bringing counsel to the church before the 2013 World Conference, naming the one who is called.
4. Let us pray for all those who faithfully and sacrificially serve in demanding church leadership roles throughout the world. May the Spirit of God be their constant companion and may they be blessed with bold testimony of the righteousness of Christ’s mission that summons the church forward.
In the Peace of Christ,
Stephen M. Veazey
President of the Church