Section 2: Cosmology


A. The cosmos consists of two fundamental worlds: the Material World and the Spiritual World.

B. The Material World – the Universe – encompasses all physical matter—everything tangible and measurable, including our bodies, planets, stars, and galaxies. While valuable, studying the Universe is beyond our spiritual focus in this book.

C. The Spiritual World – the Great and Holy Spirit – encompasses all spirit—a timeless, boundless, non-material essence that permeates and connects all the Universe with life and light. This shared consciousness sustains all creation, and our spirits return to it after mortal life.

D. Every entity – animate or inanimate, seen or unseen – is made up of matter, spirit, or both. These two worlds subtly interact and influence each other.

E. Matter and spirit are eternal; they can be organized and reorganized infinitely but cannot be created from nothing or destroyed into nothingness.


A. The Great and Holy Spirit gathered intelligences scattered throughout the void and fashioned them into emanations. One such emanation is the Elohim, a divine family that is granted dominion over the Universe.

B. Goddesses, gods, deities; humanity; and spirits all belong to this same spiritual family known as the Elohim.

C. The distinctions among these beings are based on their levels of growth, maturity, and enlightenment.

D. Through progression and learning, each can advance to higher stages of existence.


A. The Elohim divided the Spiritual world into three realms: Telestial, Terrestrial, and Celestial.

B. After a mortal probation, spirits ascend to one of these realms based on their spiritual development and choices made during their earthly existence.

C. If a spirit chooses to return to mortality, they retain the maturity and growth that they gained in prior lifetimes.


A. The first realm is the Telestial realm, which is commonly depicted by a star.

B. Spirits here struggle with fundamental virtues like compassion, empathy, and respect. They often prioritize personal desires over the well-being of others, engaging in deception, exploitation, manipulation, and oppression. As a result, they isolate themselves from the broader community.

C. This realm is marked by loneliness. Each spirit exists in a self-created world tailored to their desires, resulting in a lack of meaningful connections.

D. The residents here return to Earth with the goal of developing a sense of appreciation for and understanding of the virtues of compassion, empathy, and respect.


A. The second realm, known as the Terrestrial, is symbolized by the cool and luminous moon.

B. The souls of this realm were people who strived to do right by themselves and others, but despite their best intentions they developed and retained harmful tendencies and inclinations during their times on Earth, and, whether unintentionally or not, caused harm to others. These conditionings have not yet been overcome.

C. It is here that an atmosphere of camaraderie and goodwill prevails. Residents are committed to mastering the complexities of living in harmony with both the self, others, and the natural world.

D. The residents here return to Earth with the goal of overcoming the negative habits which are deeply ingrained in their psyches.


A. Lastly, the Celestial Realm, where the glorious and life-sustaining sun symbolizes its majesty.

B. Those who reside here have perfected all teachings available in the mortal world, achieving flawless unity of heart and mind and forming profound bonds with all of creation.

C. Inhabitants radiate unconditional love that binds all hearts together as one, living in a state of eternal harmony and enlightenment.

D. These exalted beings have the power to reconstitute a material form and never set their body down again, or they may choose to remain without a permanent body and return to mortality on occasion to teach and assist others on their spiritual journeys.