
Purification rituals cleanse the body, mind, and spirit, allowing individuals to cast off negative influences and realign themselves with their spiritual goals.

These sacred practices encourage clarity and renewal, offer a path to greater moral and spiritual elevation. Through the three forms, cleansing, banishment, and consecration, participants indicate a desire to live a more moral life, are willing to bear one another’s burdens in order to make them lighter, to mourn with those that mourn, and are willing to comfort those who need comfort.

What is presented here is the updated traditional script, but it may be adapted as individuals see fit.


There are two forms of washing: Baptism and Maudry.


With Baptism the baptizer and the baptizee both go into the water at about waist depth in safe water. The baptizer then recites the following:

(Name of participant), having been commissioned by (goddess/god/deity), I baptize you in the name of (goddess/god/deity). Amen.


With Maudry, participants are seated in an upright posture with their feet placed on the ground. The presiding priesthood holder shall tenderly uplift one foot, placing it above a basin filled with clean water. With a cloth immersed in the waters of the vessel, the presiding priesthood holder washes the foot, which is then dried with a separate dry cloth. This process is then repeated for the other foot. As this happens, they recite the following:

(Name of participant), in the name of (name of goddess/god/deity), the (their title), I wash your feet in the pattern of my ancestors.

I see you striving for liberation from all the negative expectations, assumptions, and habits our society pushes on you, and I see the purity in your soul.

I seal upon you every blessing, gift, and right pertaining to this liberation, and I do it in the name of (name of goddess/god/deity)



With Banishment, the shoe is removed from the foot and is dusted off while the following is recited:

Oh (goddess/god/deity), the (their title), I shake the dust from my feet as a testimony against (name of person/place/organization). May this dust stand as a witness of their iniquity before the heavens. Amen.


With Consecration, one kneels and if it is an item or clothing being consecrated it is held in the hand while the following is recited:

Oh (goddess/god/deity), the (their title), I consecrate this (place/item/clothing) and set it apart for (purpose), which I do in your holy name. Amen.