Section 1: Scripture and History

1. Scripture

A. The value of scripture lies not in its historical accuracy or future predictions, but in its power as art and myth.

B. Every culture has produced such art and myth which teach lessons they thought were valuable to pass on to future generations.

C. In our day we have writings available to us from many cultures around the world, and it is wise to seek light and truth from all available sources.

D. When reading, keep in mind that the writings in scripture reflect the humanity of their authors—the time, location, language, customs, and beliefs of their era—and must be interpreted accordingly.

2. History

A. While scripture conveys spiritual truths through myth, history provides a different set of lessons drawn from real events.

B. Studying religious history is vital to understanding the identity, mission, and faith of the Mormon community, grounding us in the lived experiences of those who came before.

C. This exploration fosters dialogue, repentance, and transformation, helping us learn from the past and grow in our faith without being constrained by outdated interpretations.

D. Though history teaches us where we have been and what we have believed, it does not prescribe our future, leaving room for growth and new understanding.

3. Admonition

A. From the earliest moments in the Sacred Grove to our present-day communities scattered across the world, we have always been a people with pioneering spirits who are called to explore beyond tradition and carve new paths for spiritual growth.

B. The Restoration is not a fixed event but an ongoing, living process. Each generation holds the sacred privilege and responsibility to breathe new life into it, shaping it for their time.

C. Therefore, do not be chained by the past! Do not let the weight of tradition cloud your vision or hinder your progress. We honor our predecessors not by replicating their lives, but by embracing our own unique journeys and filling them with meaning and purpose.

D. Therefore, be a peculiar, wild, and adventurous people who are full of joy, laughter, playfulness, imagination, hope, freedom, and song! Dare to dream of new possibilities and let your imaginations soar to the very heights of heaven.

E. As you take risks to explore these visions, create new scriptures that give voice to the deepest truths of your souls, and share them with others who can find meaning and inspiration through your insights.

F. Create history, knowing you will have successes and failures, so that you may be able to teach future generations through your actions.

4. Conclusion

A. A grand fundamental principle of Mormonism is to receive truth, no matter its source, for we have the right to embrace all truth, wherever it may be found.

B. We are to gather all that is good and true in the world and hold it dear, for only then can we truly embody what it means to be a Mormon.

C. Indeed, Celestial glory is intelligence.

Section 2: Cosmology