Section 3: Our Potential for Exaltation


A. Consider the humble caterpillar in a beautiful meadow. Within it stirred a sense of greater purpose, a yearning for more than its eyes could see.

B. Drawn by a thirst for wisdom, the caterpillar wove for itself a chrysalis, a sacred veil that concealed it from the familiar.

C. Within the chrysalis, the caterpillar faced trials unknown and grew in ways it had never known possible.

D. When the moment came, the chrysalis opened, and from it emerged not a caterpillar, but a radiant butterfly.


A. So it is with us. In our pre-mortal state, we, too, felt the stirring of divine potential, knowing we were destined for more than we could comprehend.

B. Drawn by this thirst for wisdom, we chose to enter mortality, weaving the veil of forgetfulness over our minds and stepped into the world to learn and grow.

C. In the crucible of mortal life, we encounter darkness, struggle, and change. In facing our trials, we grow in ways beyond imagination, our souls reshaped through divine refinement.

D. And when we emerge from our mortal probations, we will rise not as we were, but transformed—exalted as goddesses, gods, and deities.


A. Those exalted ones then guide humanity as Heavenly Parents.

B. They gather us under their wings as a hen does with her chicks.

C. They protect us as a bear does with her cubs.

D. They prepare us as an eagle does with her nestlings.